This is the truck truck truckin' issue of the longtime running Cool Beans! magazine. Matt spent some time driving an 18-wheeler and delivering tons of stuff all over the country. The bulk of the issue is his fascinating journal where he writes about truck driving school, driving endlessly on little sleep, locking his keys in his truck, delivering stuff to warehouses all over the country, and interesting adventures. Oh yeah, this is also when Matts meets me, falls in love, and quits his job to date me. What a happy ending! The issue is rounded out with a story by Bill Brown (of Dream Whip), images of trucker inspired belt buckles by jewelry artist Lily Cox-Richard, interviews with bands on the subject of trucking, a big ol' glossary of CB lingo, and other nifty things. My contribution to this issue was a story of our romantic date in Matt's big rig, parked at a truck stop. As always, the magazine comes with an awesome bonus CD, and the songs are all about trucking. Half-legal, perfect bound. Warning: This magazine offended a grandmother for being too vulgar. So don't come crying to us if you can't handle it. $6 |